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Clary Sage Oil

Technical Data Sheets : MSDSCOAGLC

Botanical Name: Salvia sclarea

Family Name: Labiatae

Common Method of Extraction: Clary sage oil is extracted by steam distillation.

Parts Used: Flowering tops and the leaves

Note Classification: Middle

Aroma: Clary sage has a sweet, nutty aroma, which is herbaceous.

Largest Producing Countries: Clary sage is a native to southern Europe and is a firm biennial herb that grows up to 1 meter tall with large, hairy leaves and small blue/ white flowers growing directly off the long, thin stem. It is cultivated for oil production in France and Russia.

Traditional Use: Clary sage oil has great benefits. It is good for easing depression and nervous burn-out and for a host of female complaints and for relieving congested complexions. Clary sage oil has many therapeutic properties. It is an antidepressant, anticonvulsive, antispasmodic, antiseptic, aphrodisiac, astringent, bactericidal, carminative, deodorant, digestive, emmenagogue, euphoric, hypotensive, nervine, sedative, stomachic, uterine and nerve tonic. Clary sage oil clams down the nervous system especially in cases of depression, insomnia, stress and severe tension. It is an excellent tonic for the womb and female function like painful periods, irregular menstruation and relaxation during labour. It is ideal to use during menopause because it helps reduce hot flushes, night sweating, palpitations, headaches and dizziness and irritation. It is also good for muscular pains, digestive disorders and can induce a cooling effect on the skin. Clary sage oil is widely used in vapour therapy for treating tension, stress, anxiety, depression, menopause and insomnia. It can be used in blended massage oil or diluted in the bath to relieve muscle pains nervous tension, cramps and even addiction. It is widely used in creams and lotion and is ideal for skin issues, back pain and stiff neck and also body odours. It helps clear greasy complexions and helps in balancing the production of sebum of the skin. If applied topically wounds will not become septic and it will not be infected with tetanus germs. It has strong antiseptic qualities and can protect the body during surgical recovery and in all types of wound which are hot spots for infection.

Blends Well With: Clary sage oil blends well with almost all oil. It particularly blends well with lavender, juniper, pine, jasmine, geranium, frankincense and other citrus oils.

Of Interest: Clary Sage is also known as clary, clary wort, muscatel sage, clear eye, see bright and eye bright. The name Clary sage is derived from the Latin word ‘Claris’ which means ‘clear’ or from the Greek ‘Skeria’ meaning ‘hardness’, denoting to the hard parts of the flower petals. It was known in the Middle Ages as ‘Oculus Christi’ or the ‘Eye of Christ’ and was a highly valued medicine. In Jamaica, it was used amongst the local people for cleaning and cooling ulcers and for inflammation of the eyes.

Safety Data: Clary sage is non-toxic and non-sensitising oil which can create a headache when used in large doses and must be avoided during pregnancy. It is relaxing oil and should be avoided while consuming alcohol because it could amplify the effects of alcohol.

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