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Sage Oil

Technical Data Sheets : MSDSCOAGLC

Botanical Name: Salvia officinalis

Common Method of Extraction: Steam distillation

Parts Used: Leaves

Note Classification: Middle

Aroma: Sage oil has a strong and spicy scent

Largest Producing Countries: Sage plant is native to the countries around the Mediterranean Sea and southern European regions like Greece and Yugoslavia and has been in use in these regions for thousands of years.

Traditional Use: The health benefits of sage oil are many and it can be credited to its properties as an antifungal, antimicrobial, antioxidant, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, antibacterial, cholagogic and depurative, choleretic, cicatrizant, digestive, disinfectant, emmenagogue, expectorant, febrifuge, laxative, and a stimulating material. Sage oil is a well-known and often heard name in the world of cosmetics, particularly in the field of skin care. Sage oil has many non-cosmetic medicinal uses also. The oil has antifungal properties because of the presence of camphor and camphene in it. It is good for internal and external fungal infections like skin diseases, dermatitis and dysentery. It provides protection against microbial infections also. Sage oil is ideal to counter bacterial infections and it also prevents the growth of bacteria in the body. It is used to heal like bacterial infections in the nose, throat, ears, eyes, genitals, colon, urethra, intestines and also on the skin and wounds.

Blends Well With: Sage oil blends well with clary sage, ginger, geranium, vetiver, neroli, orange, tea tree and rosemary oils.

Of Interest: Sage is considered as one of the oldest herbs and natural remedies in the history. Sage and its oil are now used not just as natural medicine but as a culinary spice to flavour certain dishes. Sage has been used in human history as an herbal healing agent. Ancient Greeks and Romans considered sage sacred and used it monuments and temples. Egyptians, during olden days used sage as a fertility solution by applying it topically or by boiling it in the tea. Sage was used to preserve meat and other food materials. Charlemagne made it compulsory to plant sage throughout Germany in 812 AD for use in trade and medicine. Arab physicians during older days allowed for immortality and in the 14th century, Europeans used it to protect them from witchcraft. In the middle ages, the monks who used 16 herbs to create therapies and medicines used Sage as one of the herbs. China used it in tea and for removing stomach, digestive and nervous system problems in the 17th century. Chinese used to trade one case of Sage leaves for three cases of regular tea leaves with the Dutch businessmen.

Safety Data: Sage oil is nervous stimulant so it not good for people with epilepsy, hysteria or people with history of either. Since there is presence of camphor and camphene, women who are pregnant should avoid use of it. Camphor and camphene are generally toxic in nature. Sage oil is unsafe only when used in high concentrations. People who drink alcohol should not use sage oil because the oil has the power to heighten their intoxication. Nursing women also should avoid the oil because it may slow down breast milk production.

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