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Coconut Oil

Technical Data Sheets : MSDSCOAGLC

Botanical Name: Cocus Nucifera

Common Method of Extraction: Coconut oil is extracted from the kernel or meat of mature coconuts through dry or wet processing. In the dry process the meat is extracted from the shell and dried using fire, sunlight or kilns for creating copra. The copra is pressed or dissolved with solvents to extract coconut oil and high protein high fire mash. The mash is fed to cattle because it is not of good quality for human beings. Wet process extraction is a bit more complicated and this produces discoloured oil which is not economical. Coconut oil is commonly used in baked goods, pastries, and sautés and used to pop popcorn. The oil is popularly used for hair grooming. The oil has been tested as a feedstock for biodiesel for diesel engines. Countries like Philippines, Samoa, Vanuatu and other tropical island countries use coconut oil as an alternative fuel source to run automobiles, trucks and buses and to power generators. Coconut oil is used as a base ingredient for the production of soap. The soap using the oil will be hard and will be more soluble in hard water and salt water than other soaps and lather easily.

Parts Used: Kernel or meat

Note Classification: NA

Aroma: Coconut oil has a haunting nutty flavour with a touch of sweetness.

Largest Producing Countries: Indonesia, India, Brazil, Sri Lanka, Philippines

Traditional Use: Coconut oil is used internally by mouth for diabetes, heart disease, chronic fatigue, irritable bowel syndrome, Crohn’s disease and Alzheimer’s disease. The oil is used for better quality of life in people with breast cancer; thyroid conditions, general energy and ti enhance the immune system. Coconut oil has high calorie and saturated fat content but it is used by mouth to lose weight and lower cholesterol. Coconut oil is used on the skin as a moisturiser and also to treat eczema and psoriasis. The oil is also used in hair products to prevent hair damage. Massaging premature new-born babies with coconut oil can improve weight gain and growth. Consuming coconut oil three times daily for 1 to 6 weeks might reduce the waist size and this is highly effective in men and it did not affect the weight or BMI.

Blends Well With: Coconut oil blends well with all essential oils.

Of Interest: Applying coconut oil to the skin before treatment of psoriasis with UVB or psoralen and ultraviolet light therapy is good for the skin. Usage of the oil on the skin twice daily improves skin moisture in people with dry skin.

Safety Data:

Coconut oil is safe when applied to the skin and is also safe when taken internally in food amounts. The oil should not be consumed in excess because it contains high cholesterol.It is better to consult a doctor before using coconut oil even though there is not enough reliable information about the safety of consuming coconut oil as medicine if you are pregnant or breast feeding. Coconut oil is generally safe when applied on skin of children but it better to do a patch test before using the oil.

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