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Aniseed oil

Technical Data Sheets : MSDSCOAGLC

Botanical Name: Pimpinella anisum

Common Method of Extraction: The common method of extraction of the aniseed oil is through steam distillation from the seeds and from fruits which are dried ripe.

Parts Used:  The seeds are the main part of Aniseed used for extracting oil.  The seeds are dried and crushed before use.

Note Classification:  Middle

Aroma: Aniseed has a strong, spicy and sweet aroma like the fennel. The colour is clear to pale yellow. The aroma is fresh and is like the liquorice.

Largest Producing Countries:  The origin of aniseed is in the Middle East. But it is cultivated in Europe, United States of America and North Africa nowadays.  Aniseed oil was used by Romans, Greeks and Egyptians and they consider it to be sacred. Romans used it in cakes known as ‘mustaceus’ and the Egyptians used it in bread. The Greeks believed that it has a calming influence on the digestive tract of the person who consumed the oil.

Traditional Use: Aniseed oil is warm and spicy oil and is frequently used in aromatherapy. It eases the tension and uneasiness of people who are generally scared and introverts. It assists the digestive process and boosts the lungs functions. It is also used for migraines and severe headaches.Traditionally it was used in liqueurs and cordials. In Turkey people use it in one of their popular alcoholic drink called ‘raki’. It is also used in toothpastes and mouthwashes. It is also used as a mouth freshener. It was used in the European herbal medicines for the carminative effect ii has. Do not use this oil undiluted like many other essential oils. Use the oil under the guidance of a qualified practioner.

Properties:  Aniseed oil or the Anise contains anethole which is a phytoestrogen. People often use this for menstrual cramps. It is very effective against head-lice and mites. It is used as an antiseptic, antispasmodic, diuretic, expectorant, carminative, stomachic, laxative, stimulant and galactagogue. Aniseed oil is also uses as a insecticide and parasiticide. Aniseed oil is also used in the treatment of muscular pains and aches, bronchitis, whooping cough, rheumatism, cramps, colic, indigestion, catarrh and flatulence. It is also useful for hangovers. The oil is medium in viscosity and tends to become solid in low temperature.

Blends Well With:   Most of the oil blends very well with one another. But aniseed oil mix well with cardamom oil, caraway, cedarwood, coriander, dill, mandarin, petitgrain, rosewood and fennel.

Of Interest:  Aniseed oil will start to thicken to a crystalline mass below 59 degree F and liquefies at 64 degree to 68 degree F. People often confuse Aniseed oil with Anise star oil which is extracted from the fruit of a tree.

Safety Data: Anethole contained in this oil can cause dermatitis in some people. Aniseed oil is very potent and it is not advisable to use in problem skin conditions. Avoid taking the oil in large doses because it may reduce the circulation and cause cerebral congestion. Do not use during pregnancy.

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