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Calendula oil

Technical Data Sheets : MSDSCOAGLC

Botanical Name: Calendula officinalis

Common Method of Extraction: Maceration extraction method is used for extracting the oil. In this method the flowers of the plant are soaked in hot oil. It gets the cell membranes broken and the hot oil absorbs the essence. The oil is then cleared of the botanical and emptied. The extraction is termed as super-critical extract.

Parts Used: Flower

Note Classification: Middle

Aroma: The aroma of Calendula is very floral and fresh. It has a characteristic garden type aroma which attracts human being and insects for pollination purposes.

Largest Producing Countries: The calendula grows in sunny location in mostly all kinds of soils. The country of origin is Germany and Egypt and now it is grown in many other areas. A self seeding type of plant it grows and blooms lavishly. It grows in sunny and dry conditions. In India it was used for decorating purposes and in Greece it is used in cookery.

Traditional Use: Over the years Calendula has been used in the treatment of skin. It is very good in treating rashes and even wounds. Calendula is a beautiful and useful plant in the garden too. It repels the normally seen garden pests like the eelworms, aphids, tomato hornworms and asparagus beetles. It has been a companion plant for beans, lettuce and potatoes. From seed to plant the growing time is very less. The petals has been used for colouring of food items like butter, cheese, sauces, custard and also used as a topping for salads, cakes and sandwiches.

Properties: Calendula has anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, antifungal, astringent and antiviral properties. The oil is gentle, soothing and cooling. It is an excellent base for salves, natural cosmetics and facial creams. It is the ideal remedy for dry and damaged skin, irritation caused by diapers, skim inflammations, rashes and most of the types of skin disorders. It is one of the most important ingredients in the baby oil and can be used by people with sensitive skin. It is an excellent remedy for many problems like the ulcers, bed sores, bruises, eczema and varicose veins.

Calendula works fine with the addition of essential oil or without. It works perfect as base oil when you are suffering from skin disorders. It soothes insect bites, viral infections and neutralizes age linked skin thinning. It works as a good stimulant and removes the pf toxins. The oil motivates the lymphatic system and enhances collagen production. The properties of Calendula oil is so versatile that it can be incorporated into your regular bath, creams, washes, salves, massage oils, tinctures and even teas. It is safe and ideal to use on children and even animals.

Blends Well With: Calendula oil blends well with cypress, lavender, lemon, roseotto, frankincense, seabuckthorn, and saw palmetto.

Of Interest: Marigold dried flowers have been used to recipes, like the stew, for many years to protect against illnesses. Homeopaths calls Calendula the “Mother of Skin”.

Safety Data: Calendula oil is usually safe on most people when consumed or applied on the skin. Pregnant women or breast feeding women are not advised to consume calendula oil. Do not use calendula oil two weeks before any surgery.

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