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Clove Leaf Oil

Technical Data Sheets : MSDSCOAGLC

Botanical Name: Syzygium aromaticum

Family Name: Myrtaceae

Common Method of Extraction: Clove oil is extracted from the leaves, stem and buds. The common method of extraction is by water extraction.

Parts Used: Leaf/stems

Note Classification: Base note

Aroma: Clove leaf oil has a warm, spicy and strong smell and oil is colorless to pale yellow with water like viscosity.

Largest Producing Countries: Clove leaf oil is a native Malacca islands and Indonesia. The clove tree is an evergreen tree which grows up to 10 meters in height. It has bright green leaves and nail-shaped rose-peach flower buds which becomes deep red brown after drying.

Traditional Use: Clove leaf oil is widely used in aromatherapy and it has wonderful properties. It helps in boosting the mind and lifting depression, it aids in improving digestion, it helps in relieving pain due to arthritis and rheumatism, and it eases respiratory issues and good for leg ulcers. There are many therapeutic properties for clove leaf oil. The oil is an excellent analgesic, antiseptic, antispasmodic, anti-neuralgic, carminative, anti-infectious, disinfectant, insecticide, and stimulant, stomachic, uterine and tonic. Clove leaf oil can be used on acne, bruises, burns and cuts. It helps keep the infection at bay and can act as a powerful pain reliever. The oil is ideal for toothache, mouth sores, arthritis and rheumatism. It aides in the digestive system and is effective against diarrhoea, vomiting, spasms, parasites and flatulence and also bad breath.

Blends Well With: Clove leaf oil blends well with basil, cinnamon, benzoin, ginger, sandalwood, ginger and clary sage oils.

Of Interest: The Latin word ‘Clavus’ means nail shaped which is mentioned to the bud. This was used commonly by the Chinese, Romans and Greeks mainly to reduce toothache and also as a breath sweetener. Clove leaf oil has antiseptic properties and was widely used for the prevention of infectious diseases like the Plague. Clove is an important spice and is still widely used as an important ingredient in perfumes, liqueurs, wines, love potions, dental products and also as an insect repellent. It is grown widespread in Indonesia and is related to many local traditions. Indonesian indigenous people plant a clove tree on each birth in the family and if the tree grows well it is supposed to be a good omen for the child. It was introduced in Europe during the middle ages and the geographical origin of the tree was kept a secret because of the high cost of the spice. This much sought after tree was a subject of heated competition between the Dutch and Portuguese. It was in 1947, Pierre Poivre broke this monopoly and introduced clove tree to the tropical islands of France.

Safety Data: Clove leaf oil is very powerful oil and should be with care. Make sure that the concentration level is below 1% if it is used in an oil, lotion or cream. The oil may cause irritation to the skin is some cases and can easily irritate the mucus membranes. Never use the oil during pregnancy. It is always better to use the oil under the guidance of a certified professional.

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