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Pine oil

Technical Data Sheets : MSDSCOAGLC

Botanical Name: Pinus sylvestris

Common Method of Extraction: Pine oil is usually extracted by using the steam distillation method. The extraction is done from the needles, cones and twigs depending on the species of pine. It is also called forest pine.

Parts Used: Needles

Note Classification: Middle

Aroma: Pine oil has a refreshing and pure aroma of the forest.  The viscosity of the oil is watery and the colour is pale yellow.

Largest Producing Countries: The largest producing countries are Russia, United States of America, Hungary, and Finland.

Traditional Use:  Native Americans used this oil to thwart scurvy. People used to cultivate pine for the oil, wood, tar, turpentine and pitch. The needles were used to stuff mattresses to prevent lice and fleas. In olden times Egyptians used pine kernels in their cooking.Pine oil was used traditionally for respiratory infections and even pneumonia.The tree grows up to a height of 130 feet and has a flat crown.

Properties: Pine oil is very useful to ease mental, sexual and physical exhaustion. It can be used for cystitis, hepatitis, rheumatism, prostate, gout, sciatica and arthritis. Pine oil is antimicrobial, antineuralgic, antiseptic, antiviral, bactericidal, antiheumatic, balsamic, cholagogue, diuretic, deodorant, hypertensive, expectorant, restorative, insecticidal, rubefacient and helps in the  circulation and working of the nervous system. It promotes healing in a sick room when used through vapour therapy. It has the power to cleanse and refresh an area. Pine oil can be used for bronchitis, catarrh, coughs, asthma, laryngitis, flu and cold. It is good for breathlessness and sinusitis. It is a general kidney cleanser and relieves urinary problems. When blended with massage oil or diluted in the bath this oil can do wonders in curing cold, cough, hangover, infections, sinusitis and rheumatism. It has the power to kill the virus and bacteria which is responsible for many diseases like typhoid, rabies, meningitis, gonorrhoea, whooping cough and many more.

Blends Well With: Pine oil blends well with almost all essential oils particularly with cedarwood, eucalyptus, niaouli, rosemary, sage and lavender.

Of Interest: The pine tree originated in Austria and Russia and then spread to other part of the world. It is the same tree which is used as Christmas tree all over the world during the Christmas season. The tree is available easily to make oil and can be seen all over the world.

Safety Data: Pine and pine oil is a non-toxic and non-irritant oil when used in low dosage. But it is better to use with care on the skin. High dosage can cause irritation and may sensitize the skin. Pregnant ladies are advised not to use pine oil. Large doses of the oil can even cause nervous depression. Overdose can cause irritation on the mucous membrane and can cause breathing issues.  Consuming pine oil can be quite dangerous because it can cause kidney damage. People with kidney problems are advised not to use pine oil. Elderly people and children should avoid pine oil because it may cause irritation and hypertension.

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