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Dill Seed Oil

Technical Data Sheets : MSDSCOAGLC

Botanical Name: Anethum graveolens

Common Method of Extraction: Steam Distillation is common method of extraction from hich oil is taken out. There are two types of dill oil which is dill seed oil and dill weed oil. Dill seed oil is extracted through steam distillation from mature seeds and dill weed oil is extracted through steam distillation of fresh herbs.

Parts Used: Seeds

Note Classification: Middle

Aroma: The initial aroma strength is mild-medium. The aroma is fresh, slightly earthy, sweet and herbaceous. The dill seed oil is known for its caraway-like aroma because it has higher carvone content.

Largest Producing Countries: Dill is the plant from where oil is extracted. There are two types of dill plants, Anethum graveolens (European dill) and this cultivated mainly in England, Germany, Turkey, USA and Romania. The other type is Anethum Sowa (Indian dill) which is cultivated in many parts of the Indian sub-continent as a cold weather crop.

Traditional Use: Traditionally Romans applied dill oil on their body before charging into the battle field because they thought that it can reduce nervousness and stress. They also thought that the oil protects them against witchcraft and can be used as a component for love brews. Dill oil is known as versatile oil and it has number of properties. Dill oil is an antioxidant, antifungal and antibacterial and is used widely for digestive support like indigestion and constipation. Dill seed oil is popularly used in medicines, food, perfume and soap manufacturing mainly because of pleasant aroma. It is also known for its healing capacities. Dill seed oil promotes milk production on nursing mothers and also helps treat breast congestion due to nursing. It can be mixed in lotions and creams and used to help heal wounds. It can be used in vapour therapy and utilised or calming the nerves and relieving tension. Dill seed oil apart from being used for digestive purposes promotes restful sleep and is ideal for people suffering from insomnia. It is good for gas formation in the intestines and helps reduce inflammation in the mouth and throat. The oil can be used as a protection from head lice by rubbing it on the scalp. The oil is effective diuretic and helps treat urinary tract infection.

Blends Well With: Dill seed oil blends well with essential oil in the spice, wood, citrus and herbaceous families.

Of Interest: Dill seed oil is not widely used for aromatherapy but is a major player when it comes to usage for digestive issues.

Safety Data: Dill seed oil is considered safe as a food additive but for people who are sensitive to the oil skin rashes may occur. A skin patch test should be done prior to using the oil and pregnant women are advised not to use it without expert recommendation. It is recommended that you consult a qualified heath care practitioner before using the oil. The most common side effect of dill seed oil is skin irritation especially for people who are allergic to plants which belong to the carrot family.

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